최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Asia Social Science Vol.11 No.2.jpg

China-ASEAN Public Health Security Cooperation: Problems and Future Approaches

China-ASEAN Public Health Security Cooperation: Problems and Future Approaches

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2023.11.2.147

Vision 2030 of China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership puts forward that China and ASEAN need to jointly meet non-traditional security challenges, and public health security is an important part of non-traditional security. China-ASEAN cooperation in the field of public health and safety is a realistic result of promoting regional integration and a true portrayal of building a community of human destiny. At present, the public health security cooperation mechanism between China and ASEAN mainly presents three types: multilateral, bilateral and inter-country. Although China- ASEAN cooperation in public health and safety has made some achievements, there are still some practical problems, such as the need to improve legal documents, the need to enrich the main body, the need to strengthen the pool of international professionals, and the urgent need to strengthen the ability to set international issues. Under the guidance of the people-oriented China-ASEAN Public Health Community, with the system theory as the theoretical analysis tool, through the implementation of standardizing the legal documents of public health and safety cooperation, setting up the specialized organs of public health and safety cooperation, strengthening the talent pool of public health and safety cooperation, and setting the topics of public health and safety cooperation in turn, China and ASEAN will form a joint force in the field of public health and safety, and enhance the efficiency of China-ASEAN public health and safety cooperation.

1. Status of China-ASEAN Public Health Security Cooperation

2. China-ASEAN public health and safety cooperation problems

3. The future way of China-ASEAN public health and safety cooperation

4. Conclusion

