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KCI등재 학술저널

The Factors of the Distribution of Grammatical Categories and Phenomena in Contemporary Czech

The Factors of the Distribution of Grammatical Categories and Phenomena in Contemporary Czech

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2024.29.1.21
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As to the application of the grammar within communication, we distinguish between two contingencies: a) grammatical categories which attach to the objective reality (verbal tenses, number, gender etc.), b) those which do not (in Czech for example the category of case). The relation between grammar and objective reality is not naturally rectilinear and troublefree. It could be complicated by various factors - not only the different type of language but also actualization which we comprehend as the unusual application of a grammatical form (often in order to gain more expressive term) - for example the sentence in the future tense Budeš psát (You will write) functions as that in the stressed imperative mood. To speakers with the advanced knowledge of Czech it is possible to present also special unmarked grammatical categories where a respective grammatical form can have more than one meaning. In the sentence Studuje český a německý jazyk (He studies Czech and German languages) the word jazyk (language) has the form of singular but the meaning of plural. There are many factors which influence the adequate choice of a grammatical category. In this respect the semantics are applied to a large extend and in various ways. The important role can be also played by number and so-called signal words which need the usage of a concrete morphological category (for example after the adverb včera (yesterday) must the preterite tense follow). From the linguo-didactic point of view this theme is very important and it is necessary to go on working it out.

1. Úvodem

2. Role mluvnické roviny přirozeného jazyka v řečové komunikaci

3. Potenciální komplikace a „anomálie“ v řečovém užívání mluvnických kategorií s oporou v objektivní realitě

4. Vybrané faktory ovlivňující volbu a podobu mluvnických kategorií a jevů

5. Závěrem

