최근 검색어 전체 삭제
International Science Research Vol.4 No.1.jpg

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Practice Reform for College Students Majoring in Food - Independent Intellectual Property Probiotics Research and Development as An Example

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Practice Reform for College Students Majoring in Food - Independent Intellectual Property Probiotics Research and Development as An Example

DOI : 10.51600/isr.2024.4.1.13
  • 119

In recent years, with the continuous improvement of higher education quality, university innovation and entrepreneurship education has gradually strengthened and made significant progress. This educational model has played an important role in enhancing the quality of education, promoting the comprehensive development of students, facilitating the employment and entrepreneurship of graduates, and serving the modernization of the country. However, innovation and entrepreneurship education also faces some challenges in its implementation. This article tackles the issues currently present in the food industry's innovation and entrepreneurship, taking proprietary probiotic projects as an example. It proposes a series of measures aimed at cultivating qualified talents for innovation and entrepreneurship, in order to support the development of food functionalization, intelligence, and informatization.


一、 食品专业教育与国内创新创业教育衔接还不够

二、 食品专业创新创业教育理念仍缺乏共识

三、 食品专业缺少创新创业项目的培养

四、 结论和展望

