최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

도심환경교통(Urban Air Mobility, UAM) 도입에 따른 소음 문제에 대한 시론 -UAM 소음의 특성과 잠재적 건강영향: 연구 방향 및 관리를 위한 정책적 고려사항-

Perspectives on Noise Issues Arising from the Introduction of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) -Characteristics and Potential Health Effects of UAM Noise: Research Directions and Policy Considerations-

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Urban air mobility (UAM) is emerging as an innovative transportation solution for cities. However, the potential noise impact on urban life must be carefully examined. Continuous exposure to UAM noise, with its unique frequency characteristics and temporal variability, may adversely affect citizens’ health by causing sleep disorders, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive impairmenet, particularly in children. NASA has formed a UAM Noise Working Group to study this issue comprehensively. In Korea, the Seoul Metropolitan Government’s UAM demonstration project is expected to accelerate related research and development. Scientific analysis, including noise measurement, prediction modeling, and health impact assessment, must be prioritized. Measures to minimize noise should be established based on this evidence, such as optimizing flight modes, developing noise reduction technologies, and establishing new noise management standards. Transparency and social consensus are crucial throughout this process. Expert review and open communication with civil society are necessary to address related concerns. Sharing demonstration project results and providing opportunities to experience UAM noise through digital twin simulations can help address public concerns and build social consensus. Proactively and scientifically tackling noise issues is essential for the sustainable development and successful integration of UAM into daily life.
