최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

가정용 섬유제품 중 기타 제품류의 폼알데하이드 위해성평가 연구

Formaldehyde Risk Assessment in Other Household Textile Products

  • 124

Background: Appropriateness issues have emerged regarding the non-application of hazardous substance safety standards for items classified as ‘other textile products’. Objectives: Testing for formaldehyde (HCHO) and risk assessment were conducted on ‘other textiles products’ to provide reference data for promoting product safety policies. Methods: Testing was conducted on five items (102 products) classified as ‘other textile products’ according to relevant standards (textile products safety standards), and the risk of each product was assessed using the evaluation methodologies of the European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC) and European Chemical Agency (ECHA). Results: Out of the 102 products tested, HCHO was detected above the quantification limit in five. Based on these results, the screening risk assessment indicated that three products exceeded the criteria. Upon reassessing the emission and transfer rates of products exceeding the criteria, it was confirmed that there were no instances of exceeding the criteria. Conclusions: Risk assessment results can be used as supporting data for non-application of hazardous substance standards. However, it is deemed necessary to transition towards a management approach based on risks in order to addressing emerging trends such as convergence/new products.
