형상을 분절을 통해 재구성한 가구디자인 연구
A Study on Design of Furniture with shape Reconstructed through Segmentation
- 한국가구학회
- 한국가구학회 학술대회자료집
- 한국가구학회 2024년 춘계학술대회 발표집
- 2024.04
- 56 - 62 (7 pages)
Modern society is constantly becoming more complex due to information explosions and technological advances. Individual tastes and values are becoming more diverse, and design reflects this diversity and provides personalized experiences. With technological advances, designs that require new functions and efficiency are emerging, and with this shape, existing designs are often composed of a single form, which may not be able to respond flexibly to changing demands. The tendency to express modern design began to deviate from traditional expression norms and practices in the late 1980s, when the spirituality of postmodernism began to penetrate social and cultural as a whole, and the phenomenon penetrated through the 2000s and continues to be a major expression pattern. In this study, we intend to study expanding the new image to a new space by reconstructing the fragmented images through the segmentation of the shape. These fragmented and reconstructed images are independent images, but by arranging them in one space, they appear not only as individualized images but also as large integrated images. The purpose of this study was to study the new relationship between several formative elements that occur between another large image generated by joining and arranging small unit elements individualized by being segmented in a new space.