최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of China Studies 제2권 제4호.jpg


The Distribution and Expression of Affect Resources in Ecological Discourse from the Perspective of the Appraisal Theory: A Study Based on Xi Jinping’s Discourse on Ecological Civilization Construction

DOI : 10.59825/jcs.2024.2.4.1
  • 17

本文以“学习强国”平台上发表的习近平生态文明建设论述为语料,依据Martin & White 评价理论中的情感资源分类标准,采用UAM Corpus Tool 3.3 标注软件对语料进行人工标注,统计分析其情感资源的总体分布情况及各类情感资源的分布特点,进而探讨其情感资源的意义表达。研究发现:习近平生态文明建设话语中蕴含着丰富的情感资源,并以积极情感为主。各类情感资源的使用频率相差较大,其中意愿类资源最为突出。各类情感资源的融合使用,反映了中国在生态文明建设中所做的不懈努力,传递了中国生态文明建设要与经济发展同频共振的理念,也向世界立体展示了中国对于构建人与自然生命共同体的立场,展现了负责任、敢担当的大国形象。

Based on the Xi Jinping’s discourse of ecological civilization construction published on the platform of“Xuexiqiangguo”, this paper uses UAM Corpus Tool 3.3 annotation software to manually annotate the corpus according to the classification criteria of affect resources in Martin & White appraisal theory. Statistical analysis of the overall distribution of affect resources and the distribution characteristics of various types of affect resources, and then explore the expression of the meaning of affect resources. The study found that Xi Jinping’s discourse of ecological civilization construction contains rich affect resources and give priority to with positive emotions. The frequency of use of various affect resources varies greatly, among which the inclination resources are the most prominent. The integrated use of all kinds of affect resources reflects China’s unremitting efforts in building an ecological civilization, conveys the idea that China’s ecological civilization construction should resonate with economic development in the same frequency, and shows to the world China’s stance on building a community of life for man and nature, and demonstrates the image of a major country as a responsible and courageous nation.





