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KCI등재 학술저널

新羅 下代 僖康王의 王位繼承과 金明(閔哀王)

The Succesion to the Throne of King Huigang and Kim Myeong(King Minae) in Later Silla

DOI : 10.35160/sjekh.2020.12.36.211
  • 12

본 논문은 희강왕의 왕위계승과정과 몰락과정에 대해 재조명해보려는 목적 하에 작성되었다. 대다수의 연구자들이 희강왕의 즉위는 당시 실세였던 김명(민애왕)에 의해 이루어진 것이며, 희강왕은 김명이 왕으로 즉위하기 위한 발판일 뿐이었던 것으로 이해하고 있다. 또한 김명이 희강왕을 살해하고 즉위한 것 역시 이 과정에서 일어난 자연스러운 수순으로 이해하고 있다. 그러나 김명이 정말로 당시의 실세였다면 김명이 희강왕을 대신 왕위에 올렸을 이유가 명확하지 않다. 또한 김명의 즉위가 정말로 자연스러운 수순이었다고 한다면 김명이 희강왕을 살해하여 자신의 왕위계승에 대한 정당성을 스스로 약화시키는 행위는 하지 않았을 것으로 여겨진다. 이에 필자는 김명과 김제륭의 행적을 검토했을 때 김명이 김제륭보다 명확하게 세력 우위에 있지 않았으며, 따라서 김제륭을 허수아비처럼 좌지우지할 수 있는 실세는 아니었을 것으로 파악하였다. 또한 김제륭과 김명의 결탁 이유에 대해서는 김명이 자신의 권력을 유지하기 위한 방편으로 보았다. 김제륭을 왕으로 내세운 대신 그에 대한 정치적 보상을 약속받았던 것이다. 마지막으로 희강왕과 김명의 사이가 멀어지는 원인에 대해서는 희강왕이 실시한 김충공의 갈문왕 추봉과 당에 숙위왕자로 떠난 김의정(헌안왕)의 귀국이 그 원인이 되었다고 보았다.

This paper was written for the purpose of re-examining the process of succession to the throne and the downfall of King Huigang(僖康王). The majority of researchers concluded that King Huigang's enthronement was made by the Kim Myeong(金明), and they understood that King Huigang was only a stepping stone to the King Minae(閔哀王). Also, the fact that King Huigang was murdered is understood as a fixed procedure. However, It is not clear that why Kim myeong would have placed King Huigang on Silla’s throne. Also, if Kim Myeong's enthronement was a truly fixed procedure, Kim Myeong would not have killed King Huigang. Because it harms his legitimacy himself. Through this critical mind, I would like to re-examine the process of King Huigang’s process of enthronement to downfall. In Chapter II, I have identified Kim Je-Ryung(金悌隆, King Huigang) and Kim Myeong's traces in the reign of King Heondeok and King Heungdeok. Kim Je-Ryung was participated in suppressing the rebellion of Kim Heon- Chang(金憲昌), and his office rank was Pajinchan(波珍飡). And Kim Je-Ryung’s father, Kim Heon-Jeong was military commander(兵部令). Kim Myeong was appointed to chief minister(侍中) with the office rank of Great Achan(大阿飡) in reign of King Heungdeok(興德王). Kim Chung-Gong(金忠恭), the father of Kim Myeong, was extraordinary rank one(上大等) and crown prince. When examined the lineage, office rank, and career experience of Kim Je-Ryung and Kim Myeong, it is difficult to clearly determine the power of Kim Myeong and Kim Je-Ryung. In Chapter III, the reason for the collusion of Kim Je-Ryung and Kim Myeong during succession struggle after death of King Heungdeok was examined. After death of King Heungdeok, Kim Kyun-Jeong, the extraordinary rank one, rose to the throne. Then Kim Myeong supported Kim Je-Ryung and fought with Kim Kyun-Jeong. At this time, Kim Je-Ryung and Kim Myeong conspired with each other because they needed each other's military power in order to win the succession struggle. In Chapter IV, I discussed the reason that King Huigang and Kim Myeong were separated, and that Kim Myeong killed King Huigang. At first, King Huigang and Kim Myeong was regarded as a political partnership. However, King Huigang set Kim Chung-Gong to the Galmun Wang(葛文王), not the King, Kim Myeong interfered with taking over the remaining forces of Kim Kyun-jeong. For this reason, it seems that King Huigang and Kim Myeong are separated. After that, Kim Ui-Jeong(金誼靖), came back from Tang. And Kim Myeong who felt a sense of political crisis seemed to have killed King Huigang.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 憲德·興德王代의 金悌隆(僖康王)과 金明(閔哀王)

Ⅲ. 僖康王의 王位繼承과 金明과의 결탁

Ⅳ. 金明의 亂과 僖康王의 사망

Ⅴ. 맺음말
