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KCI등재후보 학술저널

드물게 발생한 얼굴 연조직의 점액섬유종에 대한 증례보고

A Myxofibroma of the Soft Tissue of Face: A Rare Case Report

DOI : 10.21593/kjhno/2024.40.1.55
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Myxoma is a locally invasive neoplasm usually involving the jaw bones, typically occurs between the second and fourth decades. This tumor may comprise 3%-6% of odontogenic tumors. Myxomas of the soft tissue of the face are very rare. We present an unusual case of myxofibroma occurring in a 13-year-old man involving the soft tissue of the face. It congenitally occurred and was a 1 cm sized, ovoid in shape, swelling located on the glabella without any symptoms. An excisional biopsy was performed. A well encapsulated ovoid mass was attached to the corrugator supercilli muscle below the frontalis muscle. It was measured 1.1 x 1 x 0.8 cm and completely excised. Histological examination revealed myxofibroma showing stellate and spinde-shaped cells throughout myxoid ground substance. The unusual features of this case are the site of the tumor, which was localized to the non-tooth bearing area of the mandible and its congenital occurrence history.




Ethical statement

