최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Global Business and Trade Vol. 20, No. 1.jpg

Factors Affecting the Digital Readiness and Adoption of Digital Marketing of Vegetable Farmers in CALABARZON, Philippines

Factors Affecting the Digital Readiness and Adoption of Digital Marketing of Vegetable Farmers in CALABARZON, Philippines

DOI : 10.20294/jgbt.2024.20.1.17
  • 33

Purpose - The paper analyzed the factors affecting the digital readiness and adoption of digital marketing by vegetable farmers in CALABARZON, Philippines. It assessed knowledge on different digital marketing technologies, evaluated access to and use of digital devices and marketing platform, and determined the cost of digital marketing adoption. Design/Methodology/Approach - A total of 773 vegetable farmers were selected using disproportionate stratified random sampling, and then personally interviewed. Adapting the methodologies of Horrigan (2016) and Roberts and Hernandez (2019), farmers were categorized based on digital readiness. Correlation and Probit analyses were performed to determine the factors affecting digital readiness and adoption of digital marketing. Findings - Results revealed the following: unprepared (0.33%), traditional (14.49%), reluctant (25.00%), cautious clickers (53.33%), and digitally ready (6.85%). Only 14 percent were digital platform users; the most common gadget used was mobile phone, and while home Wi-Fi and cellular data were the most popular connections, they were still unstable. Adoption of digital marketing lessened vegetable marketing cost. Those single with a higher level of education, household income, and larger household had higher digital readiness level. Digital marketing adoption was positively affected by level of education and digital readiness, but the cost of adoption had negative effect. Research Implications - The results suggest the implementation of location- and readiness level-specific training and digital literacy programs; improvement of Internet infrastructure in major producing areas; and the provision of institutional support to prevent scam and fraudulent transactions to enhance the digital readiness and adoption of digital marketing by farmers.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Review of Related Literature

Ⅲ. Conceptual Framework

Ⅳ. Research Methodology

Ⅴ. Results and Discussion

Ⅵ. Conclusions and Recommendations

