최근 검색어 전체 삭제

中·日鬪茶에 나타난 차문화 비교 고찰

A Comprarative Study of the Tea Culture on the 'Tea competition(鬪茶)' of China and Japan

  • 13

This thesis is a comparative study on the Tea competition(鬪茶) as a cultural feature between China and Japan. Tea competition(鬪茶) appeared saw through eumdabup(飮茶法) findings are as follows. China and Japan developed tea culture in each country and magnified tea supply. According to the trend, tea competition(鬪茶) was appeared in Song China(宋; 960-1279), Kamakura era of Japan(1192-1333) In the Sung dynasty of China the civil gentry made an important role in creating a new culture in relation to the tea competition Prevalence of tea fight in Sung dynasty was caused by producing good quality tea cake. yeongocha(硏膏茶) in order to proffer to emperor from common used tea field called tribute tea garden, Beiyuan(北苑) It was tea fight that big or small tea cakes, yeongocha(硏膏茶) compete for the quality of tea before the proffer to emperor Tea fight is elegant culture which is controlled a method about tea critisism which becomes accomplished the person who attends and composition reach stage of all best that the various tool and tea, water etc. In Japan, tea fight was progressed as a playing game. High scored one win the game the way of selecting the origin tea(本茶), or not origin tea(非茶), after testing tea using marking board Tea competition is conventional festival of color, perfume, and taste in which participators competitors demonstrate to evaluators their best for the emperor and best tea-bowl with being painted black and decorated with rabbit hair(黑釉兎毫) For the victory of tea competition appearance of traces of water was necessary Thus function of tea whisk, bottle of boil water was important. The tea-competition of the China, above all, upgraded the simple ceremony of drinking tea into the cultural ceremony which represents the spirit of the age. The tea-competition were hold in somewhere luxuriously in huge rooms with antiques and foods. As graft tea-competition, the past onto the present method of evaluate quality, keep the particular time of the attitude and not just simply transmitted method, but change it according to the new period and environment. Therefore, study of the past tea-test culture onto the present tea industry and the tea culture's graft should deal with the basic operation for the develop of tea culture with great importance. Overall by this opportunity, I look forward to accomplish the study and the research of Korean tea-test culture.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 鬪茶형성

Ⅲ. 鬪茶풍속과 구성

Ⅳ. 나오는말
