최근 검색어 전체 삭제

佛敎茶供養儀禮의 考察

A Study of the Buddhist Tea Offering Ceremony

  • 19

This study deals with the buddhist tea offering ceremony. The ideal realization of the buddhist practice is to achieve the deliverance through the practice. The buddhist offering ceremony involves the ethical principle of buddhist practice based on the understanding of Buddhist theory. Therefore the buddhist offering ceremony is constructed by the method of practice in relation to the inseparable thing from the mothed of practice. Because of this, the offering ceremony held in buddhism needs to be studied not in the theoretical aspect but in the practical aspect. As a result, in this study I would like to indicate the base of the buddhist practice through the investigation of the buddhist theoretical element appeared in the buddhist offering ceremony. On the seeing the entire offering ceremony of Buddhism, there are his own broad buddhist offering ceremonies in each country. Therefore, in this paper I would handel with only the tea offering ceremony as one of various buddhist offering ceremonies in the case of the study on buddhist offering ceremonies. In this aspect, it is important as contents of the study for us to know how the thought of the offering ceremony to honour Buddhas with teas and the tea offering ceremony head in a temple makes paly a role. It is known the following characteristics according to investigation on the focus the buddhist theoretical base of offering ceremony. At first, by the ceremony of the buddhist tea offering could be established as the everyday's ceremony which help practitioners to understand the buddhist theory and to practice. Secondly, In the buddhist practical viewpoint, we know that the tea offering ceremony has the effect to be ordered and harmonized because of combining the members of Seon monastery. This study deals with the following contents. Firstly, the development of the tea offering ceremony is appeared because of buddhist rule not to drinking alcohol. tea is used as a substitute of alcohol. Secondly. the culture of drinking tea in Seon monastery become the part of buddhist practice. as a result of this, the tea offering ceremony connected with the buddhist practice is developed. The study can be concluded as follows in the understanding the temple's rule for purifying in the tea offering ceremony in the Seon sects. Firstly, It is found that the evidence of the washing of buddha's head who was born in this world are appeared as a symbol of his birthday. Secondly, The tea offering ceremony in the Seon sect becomes a main discipline according to the dharmic ceremony in the temple's rule From this study before, we can prospect the possibility that the individual special religious experience comes to be attained the enlightenment through the fitness of buddhist theory. Futhermore, the form of present offering ceremony of religion can be established by the systematization of buddhist tea offering ceremony. If this mutual relation could be developed, the buddhist tea offering ceremony could be the united religious offering ceremony and it is expected that this is accepted as a social culture in the present society.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 佛敎供養儀禮의 意味와 類型

Ⅲ. 淸規와 茶供養儀禮

Ⅳ. 나오는 말
