최근 검색어 전체 삭제

한국 차 문화·산업의 활로 모색

  • 26

Although going through the difficult conditions with constant development, our tea industry has been grown up. However, because of the supercilious wave height of coffee, it felt lost while indiscriminate incomes of oversea's tea is happening. Overlap of crisis, tea industry and culture made poor progress because of tardy increment of production and consume. First, after the looking for total poor progress, I have grope the way of tea industry and culture. The reason of total poor progress in Korean tea culture and industry is weakened producing, consume, and lastly, unsatisfied establishment of groping and enforcement. The writer thinks at low interest poor consume, in order to develop tea culture and industry for dimension in national case, absence of policy is take place. Therefore, he is saying that from now on, figure out the method of establish and enforce the policy to make tea production and consume to be active. So that find out the way of poor progress in tea will end up. In detail method, plans to make the tea consume to be active. By the legislation for tea promotion, try to supply good quality and law-priced tea, and establish the law for tea culture's promotion, try to broaden the worth of tea culture to make tea consume to be active. Going through with these, tea can be a national drink naturally and can get the purpose in development of health and traditions, and get three benefits in one time on normalize the coeducation. As looking at the 'legislation of preservation in traditional tea culture and promotion' which was suggested in 2010, the most important point is going through the legislation and enforcing it. In order to pass the suggestion in legislation, people who are working in the tea industry field's intelligence and strength to establish promote committee, thus, in whole country who are in that field's intelligence can be gathered in one. Plus, promote committee should do their best to promote law in Korean tea culture and industry to pass and to enforce.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 차 문화·산업의 총체적 부진 원인

Ⅲ. 차 문화·산업의 활로 모색-정책적 측면

Ⅳ. 나오는 말
