최근 검색어 전체 삭제

조선 후기 차 무역안(貿易案) 연구

The study of tea industry-case in the late of Chosun dynasty

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Our country has ancient history in the tea culture, but there was no records about making a monopoly as a national leading, but only has taxes lay teas as local products at ones feet. It is known that these things basically it didn't realize that tea cultivation as a national industry and didn't include it in industry policy. This thesis is looking into the tea industrial policy suggestions centrally about Lee Deok-lee's 『Kida(記茶)』, and Jeong Yak-yong's 『Kack dago(榷茶考)』, Lee Kyu-Kyung's 『Do-da demonstration(荼茶辨證設)』 Lee Deok-Lee handled tea as not only a simple item of personal preference but source of revenue of local creation. He recommended to conduct tea monopoly and suggest the way of commerce in detail at the very first, so that, major change happens at awareness of tea. In Jeong Yack-yong's case, he regarded Chinese precedent in reform of tea, However, his standard mind insist that let our traditional cultural history as a sense of sovereignty, and remove irrational factors in entire parts. This kind of tea culture policy is known as tea is not only a simple cultural item of personal preference but, it is a national industrial resource in economical way. Korean tea culture is hard to say declined, but it remains through all the changes in politics, economics, and in social, becomes a potential makeshift bridge to make our tea culture newly revive like in the late of Chosun dynasty. This study tries to look differently about the reasons why did the Korean tea culture can't rise as industry way to make it not only in a way of policy and economy but also, sources of incomes of the national finance which can be covered the parts.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 實錄을 통해 본 飮茶俗

Ⅲ. 문헌에 기록된 차 貿易案

Ⅳ. 나오는 말
