최근 검색어 전체 삭제

文緯世의 <茶賦>를 통해 본 장흥지역 飮茶風俗考察

A Study on the custom of drinking tea in the region Jangheung(長興) based on the Analysis on Mun Wi-se(文緯世)’s ‘The Poetic essay on Tea(茶賦, Da-Bu)’: -Focused on lump tea(固形茶)

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Since the Goryeo(高麗) dynasty, the region Jangheung in Jeollanam-do had been the main production area of tea, because thirteen areas out of nineteen production areas that tea had been cultivated, manufactured and paid tribute to the central government, were located in this region. And here has been well known as the area remained many hereditary customs of lump tea, after gone through the Joseon(朝鮮) dynasty and until recent years. During Japanese colonial era, Morooka Tamotsu(諸岡存) and Ieiri Kazuo(家人一雄) conducted a field survey and found the fact that lump tea had been manufactured in the region Jangheung and customs of drinking lump tea had continued up to that time. Through their book, ‘The Tea and Zen of Joseon(조선의 차와 선)’ published in 1940, it had become widely known. And Choi Gye-won wrote that he saw that strings of Cheong-tae-jeon(靑苔錢) had been peddled in the region Jangheung until around 1948, in his book, ‘The Reillumination of Korean tea(우리차의 재조명)’. Therefore, it is deduced that the region Jangheung is the place remained customs of drinking lump tea the latest in the Korea peninsula. Until recently, there are just ‘Im-ha Pil-gi(林下筆記)’ and the poem of ‘Juk-ro Cha(竹露茶)’ written by Lee Yu-won(李裕元), a scholar in the later Joseon era(19C) and ‘The Tea and Zen of Joseon(조선의 차와 선)’ written by Japanese in colonial era as the reference to look into the culture of tea in the region Jangheung. But lately ‘The Poetic essay on Tea(茶賦, Da-Bu)’ written by Mun Wi-se(文緯世) was found and we became able to investigate customs of drinking lump tea in the region Jangheung in the 16C. According to ‘The Poetic essay on Tea(茶賦, Da-Bu)’, the custom of drinking lump tea in the region Jangheung in the 16C was drinking in powder form pulverized lump tea and it was usually drunk for medicinal(藥用) use rather than favorite beverage. Meanwhile, in this essay, Mun Wi-se cautioned against excessive drinking tea because of harmfulness to health. But it was the reason that it was usually drunk in lump tea and medicinally. Such custom of drinking tea had appeared consistently until the later Joseon era and modern era.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. <茶賦>를 통해 본 장흥지역 음다풍속

Ⅲ. 나가는 말
