최근 검색어 전체 삭제

전통 수제녹차에 위해요소중점관리기준 적용을 위한 연구 제1보. 전통 수제녹차의 HACCP Plan 모델 개발

A Study for the Application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points Ⅰ.Development of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) Plan

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The purpose of this study is to provide the guidelines which are necessary to the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points(HACCP) system of hand-roast green tea This study was conducted to develop a model for the HACCP are applicable and create a HACCP Plan in order to support tea makers who directly hand-roast small amounts of green tea in a traditional way in a small workshop for processing wild tea leaves in Hwagae mountain, Hadong-gun. To refer to HACCP as a means of marketing to assure the quality of green tea, which is a non-mandatory product but will require the application of HACCP in workshops consisting of 5 employees or less in today's consumer-centered economy, it is believed that even farms should be equipped with the HACCP system, which subsequently requires support from local governments. The researcher, also the owner of a small tea factory, included a member tea person who wished to participate in the HACCP team consisting of two participating full-time tea makers. The team processed green tea, which produced a few outcomes. A set of documents that state the results of the application of 12 Steps of HACCP were provided and a HACCP Plan was created to help apply HACCP in tea hand-roasting workshops. Despite its lack of a Prerequisite Program(PP) to apply the HACCP program, the workshop adopted by the researcher is not only located in a pollution-free mountainous area, but also produces dry products that have a lower water activity (Aw) and require many heating processes and has highly committed tea makers engaged in the tea-making process. Therefore, it was verified that the workshop has biological hazards under complete control although the workers performed tea processing using the customary system, without being conscious of the sanitary conditions. However, it was deemed necessary to develop program for controlling physical hazards such as metal and nonmetal particles and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) to ensure sanitation. The hazard analysis executed after process establishment, and 2 CCP(Critical Control Point) desided(green tea leaves purchashing , metal detection) A practical solution was also proposed to control metal particles in a workshop processing small amounts of green tea with a small number of workers. Further, the proposal includes the need to work with an authorized vendor that produces and pick tea leaves to procure fresh tea leaves free of chemical hazards, such as agricultural chemical residue or heavy metals(Pb), and the need to create a system for controlling chemical hazards with the support of a local government. The above results imply that systematic training should be provided for farm tea makers, using the 12 step of HACCP Plan developed by the researcher.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 결론 및 제언

Ⅳ. 적요
