A sincere effort of a great scholar, Kim Si-Sup(1435∼1493) was centered on seeking for a certain philosophy in which provides a true meaning of freedom to human beings regardless of religions of the time; Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism and intention to create mutual communication between them. . It is believed that the tea living shown in his tea life in despite of fast dissipated wander and walking retreat without constraint is a great resource to understand not only the tea culture of early Joseon Dynasty, but also an entire trend of tea cultural history. In fifteenth century when Kim Si-Sup was active, it is marked as a great revolutionary era for tea cultural history in East Asia. Public tribute of lump tea such as Longfengtuancha was terminated and it was slowly moved towards scattered tea like we use today. After careful insights on his application of the way of drinking and tea accessories as a result of analysis of tea life, it can be classified between Jianchafa-boil water first then apply tea leaves-used in all seasons expect for the winter, which does not consume much time, and zhuchafa-apply tea leaves first, then pour hot water-used exclusively in winter which consumes a period of time. In addition, it can be also found the space was also utilized as restaurant when visitors came to use heat to cook, not only for the exterior space, but also inside space. Kim’s sincere consideration can be found not only in his tea life, but also his way of tea estate architecture. During Geumosan era, he planted nut pines in the north to block the cold weather and cedar in the east to create shadows. This procedure also applies in today’s tea estate architecture as well. Kim Si-Sup’s records of tea life is believed to be a great resource to open up a new possibility of today’s tea culture. It is hoped that more in-depth research and reconsideration to seek for the origin of Korean tea culture shown in Kim’s tea life should be followed.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 김시습의 차교유
Ⅲ. 김시습의 음다법
Ⅳ. 결 론