최근 검색어 전체 삭제

청소년을 위한 차생활 교육 과정

The curriculum of tea life curriculum for the youth

Nowadays the youth in tea-life-education only focuses on the transmission in the tradition. The school has a trouble choosing it. This thesis approaches on the practicality with the curriculum to improve tea-life-education and Ericsson suggests the solution of the youth-development stage after researching the characteristics of the youth. The stage of youth development is the most important in their life so the career education have to go on. Therefore tea life curriculum on their ego and career education has to open the personality and career. on basic ability new inspiration and challenge takes the creativity, on cultural knowledge and many value takes the life wit the quality, as the communication civil the contents consist of the sharism spirit for the groth in the community. Also, we have go recognize On July, 2012 the high school curriculum says with all educational activities, personality education goes on. For the real taste of tea we need practicing and sicere mind. This sprit takes on the curriculum with personal education.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 교육적 측면에서 차문화 변천

Ⅲ. 우리나라 교육과정

Ⅳ. 고등학교 차생활 교육과정 방침

Ⅴ. 광주광역시 고등학교 차생활 교육과정

Ⅵ. 맺는말
