최근 검색어 전체 삭제

우록 김봉호의 차문화 인식과 사회사적 의의

A Tea-lover, U-Rok Kim Bong-Ho's the modern tea culture restoration movement

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This study is focused on U-Rok Kim Bong-ho, who was born in Hae-nam and made and led the club, Cha-in-hoe, for the first time around the country in 1960s, the revival era of tea culture, after the Korean War. He not only took roots of Hae-nam tea culture and contributed to the tea culture development but also was the foundation of Korean tea culture revolution. The tea culture which barely inherited from some monks and writers since the middle of the Joseon Dynasty was again revived in 19century and flourished with Honam as the center. The tea culture ran into a leader of the tea distribution, Eung Song, Park Young-Hee(Eung Song, Park Young-Hee 1892~1990), of the Japanese occupation of Korea starting with Cheong-Heo Hue-Jeong(Cheong-Heo Hue-Jeong 1520~1604) in Daedunsan tea roots during the Joseon Dynasty. U-Rok as a key person of every field strived to spread the Korean tea culture using 『Cho-Eoe-Sun collection』and Korean tea journal <Dawon>, his maiden work, in Haenam, Honam where the tea culture was spreaded through lots of tea people under this kind of background The Cha-in-hoe activities fixed the established theory that ‘if you want to know the Korean tea culture, then you have to know Haenam Cha-in-hoe’. U-Rok was born in Haenam and he made Cha-in-hoe for the first time around the country while trying to study literature and culture, restoration of tea and Pansori, playwriting and artistic activities. His Cha-in-hoe was the motivation to make other Cha-in-hoe around the country, and the history was the transmission of the modern tea culture. A series of activities are the live witnesses of the tea culture which was an important role for the Korean tea culture revolution and the popularization. U-Rok's gentlemanship and the tea culture revolution continued to the legacy of our proper ideas and tea mind. Our best spirit, a devotion to the welfare of mankind, with the revolution of tea culture in Joseon Dynasty since the foundation of Gojoseon was U-Rok's 50-year way according to the time-honored tea culture characteristic and the creative cultural activities. These were the remarkable achievements of the transmission of Korean tea culture.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 우록의 생애와 차문화인식

Ⅲ. 우록의 차문화 부흥 활동의 양상

Ⅳ. 우록의 활동과 현대 차문화 부흥 맥락의 의의

Ⅴ. 결론
