Recently, consumption of 'Pu-erh tea', which is microbial-fermented tea, is on the rise in Korea with increase of interest in health. Pu-erh tea belongs post-fermented tea which is fermented by microbes, not enzymes in tea leaves. Pu-erh tea only means microbial fermented tea made in Yunnan, China, however, people in Korea tend to consider it as generic term for microbial fermented teas. Among manufacturing processes of microbial fermented tea, Pile-fermentation changes components of tea leaves by microbial post fermentation. Post fermentation forms unique flavor of microbial fermented tea, so does cheese, Doenjang(soybean paste), Cheonggukjang(fast-fermented bean paste), and Natto. It also changes color of tea leaves into black or dark-brown ,which are called as 'post-fermented tea', 'Pu-erh tea', 'dark tea', and 'microbial fermented tea'. All of teas which have color change into black or dark-brown by pile fermentation are called as 'post-fermented tea', 'Pu-erh tea', 'dark tea', and 'microbial fermented tea'. Microbial fermented tea has been manufactured and enjoyed in China as well as Japan and Southeast-Asia. There are historical records that teas, which may be microbial fermented tea, were manufactured in some parts of Korea. Quality evaluation of microbial fermented tea is complicated and vague, because its quality can vary greatly depending on manufacturing process, storage condition, and storage period, and also its preference or evaluation is subjective. Microbial fermented is relatively expensive although there are little scientific information on its function and safety. This study on understanding of microbial fermented tea could help increasing use of domestic tea leaves, expanding and revitalizing tea industry. Scientific approach on it will be the next time.
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