최근 검색어 전체 삭제

국제적 다가(茶家)로서의 이상적(李尙迪)

A study of Sang Jerk Lee(李尙迪) as an international expert on Tea

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Sang Jerk Lee(李尙迪), who was an interpreter from the middle-class, had been to Yean Gyeng(燕京, the capital of China from 1636 to 1912), 12times, where he acquired the green tea drinking culture of China through his connections with more than 100 Chinese literati. He also kept intimate relationship with local intellectuals enjoying green tea. Sang Jerk Lee(李尙迪), who was a student of Jeong Hee Kim(金正喜), developed a close friendship with Wi Sin(申緯), Hag Yean Jeong(丁學淵) and Hyun Ju Hong(洪顯周), and he developed a deep knowledge of realist literature based on Silhak(實學), on epigraphy and on Chinese Textual Research. He played the role of mediate in order to be linked to the continuous information network on the study and culture between local intellectuals and Chinese ones. There were records that he practiced the tea rite for Wan Mun Dal (阮文達)‘s birthday, Chinese and for Jung Wan(仲遠)’s post-motal birthday. His tea-drinking life was thrifty and philosophical, and he had a profound knowledge of Dado(茶道). The great achievement he made was that he played a significant role in intertwining Korea's tea culture with that of China's.

Ⅰ. 緖論

Ⅱ. 李尙迪의 生涯

Ⅲ. 국내외 茶人들과의 文化的교유

Ⅳ. 結論
