This paper deals with the characteristics of the Korean traditional tea, Jaksulcha. Jakseolcha the longest in Korea tea-history period(Baekje period -Modern) has been tradition. In korea on the tea-related activity, 「Jakseolcha(雀舌茶)」is the most extensively tradition has been a long period of time(Baek Je-modern). Jakseolcah is the tea name of the Chinese origin. It is the relative concept of foreign tea and includes traditional teas(傳統茶) Indigenous tea(土産茶) Inherent tea(固有茶) made in our country. In Goryeo Dynasty, it made from young tea leaves were produced in the form of Ddeok-cha(lump tea, 餠茶). In Joseon Dynasty, Jakseolcha was called tea(苦茶) or Loose tea(散茶) and it was the one of Tea Tribute offered to palace according to 『Geography Monograph of King Sejong(世宗實錄地理志)』. Jakseolcha which is easily found in medicine book was drunk by king to ordinary people and has been part of People. According to Noe Cha(臘茶), we can know that the Jakseolcha is made from the picked very early tea leaves. Next, according to Yu Cha(孺茶), Jakseolcha is made from the form of Dancha(lump tea, 團茶). Now, Jakseolcha is a byword of korean high quality leaf tea. It is used as a meaning of dividing between tea name of appearance (between gokwoo(穀雨) from ipha(立夏) out of the green tea bud) and substitute teas. It is certain that this paper can become a base of Korea's tea culture identity by effort of realizing new value in one of the Korean traditional tea, Jakseolcha. The research about this is thought that Jakseolch's various use and function need interest and study in viewpoint of contemporary man to be born again with new tea by various differentiation.
Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 雀舌茶의 槪念
Ⅲ. 雀舌茶의 飮用形態
Ⅳ. 雀舌茶의 用途
Ⅴ. 結論