최근 검색어 전체 삭제

毅齋 許百鍊 繪畵와 茶道精神

Heobaekryeon uijae painting and tea spirit

Uijae heobaekryeon (1891-1977) in 87 years (10085 years 2 months) about the life and spirit of his car looked with Uijae second tea, fertility, the core of the spirit Chusa, and linking Sochi Mac jeontongseong the succession of the spirit of our car. The stands ilyeo Chusa spirit of the early multi-line Ilmi spirit, all spirit mulah Sochi, uijae heobaekryeon philosophy of the Tao Te Ching veteran, Hongik banner of human spirit that all nationalism can be seen thatIs different from the life and art uijae艺茶精神emphasized andaneun Mental discipline and the cha 精神 uijae, it was not only pursued artistic heights 'Giving' and 'sharing' that we inherited the tradition of the national consciousness of all people and the land and clear over the tea with those nations to make farmers was Picture cultivate tea ceremony and dissemination chunseol and agricultural operations, and the creation of higher technical schools, Dangun and hyeonyang(显扬) can be summed up with. Founded yeonjin times, Hunan planted one on the ethos of unique art. It's all live it be built, and that broadly benefit people's lives were 弘 益人间These tiles underwater life of the university is based, was laid degrees of Tao Te Ching. That had indeed revealed from heaven 明德helped protect the tea's ability to benefit from development assistance for mental focus as well samatda car Sseojun still writing this uijae choenamseon uijae Art teacher has made a dagie remain engraved. In addition to promoting Massachusetts as a false and without prejudice to remind extremely hard-working attitude moderation following the sincere way, the leaders of interpersonal trust in the way of practical study. Bulseon is contrary to the sky and incompetent, lazy and weaknesses of the flesh and of the mind and spirit of the contamination as a result of reporting gwayok to prevent corruption and the role of salt is necessary reception ceremony saw life Comes to drink tea rather than where and when any of the procedures, depending on the degree of understanding and tea drinking showed that freely. Taoism heobaekryeon almost all of the paintings in place strong enough to appear in a pictorial context. He 畵人, 文人眞会鍊and made a number of paintings of people participated in the traditional barley today has established itself as a cultural movement to be achieved. Heobaekryeon tea's operation and prevalence Mudeungsan agricultural school in the state resulting from movement rather than vertical endogenous modernization, modernization of the typical spontaneous functional role as a universal modernity as seen in the net. In addition, efforts are on to restore the temple of Dangun, the forced modernization of Japan and by a colonial policy for the recovery of lost national identity and traditions brought Western-style modernization of destruction, the destruction of the cultural lifestyle of recovery efforts will have to accept. Today, the tradition remains recovery is inevitable challenges. However, members of traditional societies to continue the subject rather than the traditional way of life continues batter life ever be. Able to capture the authenticity of life in the “New Directions” in the end according to Norma Stone Lodge results in a new cultural movement. The typical practical force in his life and thought uijae heobaek, action will show through. Life coach for training and discipline the mind and management were thoroughly thought. He shorthand tea and meditation, wash and concentrate the harp sounds to draw and draw your own heart and mind was like the fragrance of tea had to live a beautiful life. Achievements and the lessons he left and never achieved his descendants and disciples, and the hope is that we inherited a multiplayer will also tended to get out.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 毅齋許百鍊의 生涯와 繪畵

Ⅲ. 三愛茶園春雪軒

Ⅳ. 繪畵속에 茶道精神

Ⅴ. 결론
