This thesis developed the idea that standardizing the manufacturing of tea is the most significant for the progress of Korean tea industry. We referred to the history of traditional tea production by Choui Seonsa (草衣禪師)and Jeong Yak-yong(丁若鏞), in order to propose the proper way to manufacture tea. Hwang Yoonsuk(黃胤錫)’s discovery of <Bupunghyangdabo 扶風鄕茶譜)>allowed us to have a new perception on the diverse teas and their cultures in late Chosun(朝鮮). In addition, through the efforts professor Jung Min and Park Dongchoon Chief put in, the discovery and new perception on letters between Chusa Kim Jeong-hui(秋史金正喜) and Choei Seonsa(草衣禪師), founded the understanding of Choei tea(草衣茶) in novel perspectives. The letters are as follows: <Byukhaetawoon 碧海朶雲>, <Younghaetawoon 瀛海朶雲帖>, <Nagamukyeon 那伽墨緣>, <Jusangwoonta 注箱雲朶>. We, even looked over the history of modern tea manufacturing that used to be trivial. Through the research and records of Kyungsang University professor Kim Jaesang and Dongkuk University professor Kim Unhak, we pondered on producing tea through traditional Korean methods. By this contemplation, we were able to approach our tea’s origin and diversity. We also looked over ways to manufacture tea in our generation through the current debate regarding tea manufacturing. At the center of debate is the Gujeung-gupo(九蒸九曝). We approached the limitations and aim of the way to manufacture tea in our generation through Gujeung-gupo. Based on this study, we suggest a new alternative to the Korean tea industry which is producing various tea through establishing a tea manufacturing method of our generation.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 전통 제다법에 대한 연구와 논쟁
Ⅲ. 새로운 자료의 등장과 연구
Ⅳ. 나가는 말