Today patterns of national tea consumption, preferences became diverse and gentrified due to higher earnings and frequent contacts with foreign products. In addition, national consumers favor smooth fermented tea with harmonious flavor and fragrance, Wuyiyancha was highly favored, especially. Therefore this study looks into about Wuyiyancha First, its reputation has continued for a long time with different processing techniques in different time periods. By benefiting from essence of crafting styles of Dancha, green tea, and black tea, it has offered immense contributes towards history with its scientific and detailed technology. Secondly, Wuyiyancha gained a nickname of 'tea of study'. Carefully made Wuyiyancha requires time, money, stamina, knowledge and a sincere effort, hence the requirements became genesis of its appellation. Thirdly, the origin of the first black tea is Wuyiyancha. In the opening years of the 17th century, fermented tea from China was exported to Europe which successfully attracted many Westerners and gradually crafted stronger as black tea. It was the tea processing technique of the time using the leaves from the rocky sides of the Mountain Wuyi. Fourth, many tales are told about Wuyiyancha. Legends and fables very well affect literary interests that lead to an emotional purchasing element just as good as tea's flavors and components.
Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 武夷岩茶의 始原과 展開
Ⅲ. 武夷岩茶의 種類와 製茶技術
Ⅳ. 武夷岩茶의 時代別發展過程
Ⅴ. 結論