Tea was combined with Zen culture when it was actively used in training in Zen Buddhism. Having tea in Zen Buddhism began as an action of awakening for training and was regulated as a ceremony of dedication of tea to Buddha, and the types and content of the Zen idea changed through its combination with Zen Buddhism. The main purport which approaches nature is awakened with a cup of tea and enlightenment is achieved through training with a means of focus. That is, the most important reason why tea was combined with Zen Buddhism is the unity of concepts, that is, the nature of Zen and the tea are one. Zen helps tea and tea helps Zen form the culture of the temple, and along with Confucianism and Taoism, it was used as a medium to pursue the truth of Zen. This was a fundamental reason why tea was recognized as a cultural aspect in Zen Buddhism and prospered with it for generations.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. ≪六老山居詠≫의 著者와 異本
Ⅲ. 石屋淸珙의 禪茶
Ⅳ. 나가는 말