최근 검색어 전체 삭제

찻자리에서 만난 琴의 상징성에 대한 고찰

A Study on the Symbolism of Geum (Geomungo) on Tea

  • 5

Modern tea meeting space is the place implying the meaning of recharging exhausted mind and body away from odd jobs by drinking tea and also offers the functions of cultural communication and social exchange. It is absolutely necessary space for modern people because it give them a vitality of life. So this study examines the roles of tea meeting space in the past with writers in the late Joseon Dynasty. It was found in the literatures of records that the writers in the late Joseon Dynasty learned Geum (Geomungo)-Gi (Baduk)-Seo (Calligraphy)-Hwa (Painting) suitable their environment and background and developed the strength of self-discipline and training to practice their spirits. Right behaviors developed in good environment were expressed naturally in reception room or resting room. Geum-Gi-Seoo-Hwa showed that it was the space for drinking tea and wine and also for the best culture and art space. Playing the geomungo was mental pleasure and an important way of expressing their emotions. It was not seeking excellent techniques but was suitable to training spirit because it was elegant and gentle. Thus this study was to reinterpret the traces of old writers, share their enjoyment and examine their mental world expressed to flow over the mountain high by being immersed in playing the Geomungo at tea meeting place and then value its use in modern tea meeting place.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 文人의 품격조건

Ⅲ. 琴[거문고]의 상징성

Ⅳ. 찻자리에서 만난 거문고

Ⅴ. 나오는 말
