Tea began to have used for medicinal purposes. It has gradually developed to beverages and recently also reviewed tea as functional food by investigating physiological vital effect of tea. Dark tea has kept a very long time with priority given to china . china has thoroughly commercial grown on account of extensive productive area and mass production. Liu pao tea is famous in Guang xi that had a old history , one kind of dark tea in china , and belongs to post-fermented tea. Its color of appearance is dark brown, soaked water is transparent deep red. its taste is sweet, refreshing, ender, and deep. it swells ageing and like Areca Catechu L . Moreover, Liu Pao tea is divided by “红、浓、陈、醇” and loved by a lot f people for healthy effect. According to GB/T 10157-93, the more golden flower has, the better quality has, so the number of golden flower is index of evaluation and it should be old(越陳越香). Effect of Liu pao tea has functional substance such as amino acid, polyphenol, caffeine, tea pigment etc, and health effect like diet, antitumor, anti-cancer. Before pressing, when tea water content 22% ~ 26%, aging environment 25℃, humidity 75% ~ 90% , Eurotium sp. is rapidly growing, in 10 days it attains maturity. When temperature is 25℃ ~ 45℃/ humidity is 50% ~ 85% , flowering has a direct influence with quality and the number of golden flower while condition of temperature, humidity has indirect influence with them. Also, the number of Eurotium sp. influences in extent of a little law leaves and pressure for packing. Liu pao tea is known as advantage of Eurotium sp. and now modern science is used to develop actively thus it has the step for development of tea at Guang xi and rises a new poplar item.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 육보차 개요와 가공
Ⅲ. 육보차 후발효과정이 품질에 미치는 영향
Ⅴ. 나가는 말