This research was to investigate the chemical constituent and antioxidant activity using the seed of the wild tea grown in Iksan, Jeongeup, Naju, Boseong, and Hadong areas, respectively. Among the various mineral elements, the K content was the highest, irrespective of area. Especially, the Naju, Boseong, and Hadong areas were about 1.6 fold higher than those of Iksan and Jeongeup areas. The total amino acid contents were highest at Boseong and Hadong areas, respectively. The theanine contents at Iksan and Hadong areas were highest, 956.23 ㎎/100g and 916.16 mg/100g, respectively, compared to other areas. The pantothenic acids at Boseong and Hadong areas were about 2.0 fold higher than those of Iksan and Jeongeup areas. However, E, B6, and C contents were similar, irrespective of area. The total polyphenol content at Naju area was highest, 146.25mg/100g, followed by Jeongeup and Boseong, respectively. Among various organic acids, propionic acid, maleic acid, and oxalic acid were main components at all areas. The linolenic acid, linoleic acid, and palmitic acid were main components at all areas. When the concentration of seed extract of the wild green tea was at 600 μL/mL, the antioxidant activity was highest, 63-65%. However, more than 800 μL/mL of extract, it was not increased. These results indicate that the seed of wild tea grown in Iksan, Jeongeup, Naju, Boseong, and Hadong areas has potential use in functional foods, cosmetics or pharmaceuticals.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 재료 및 방법
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
Ⅳ. 결론