최근 검색어 전체 삭제

석오(石梧) 윤치영(尹致英)을 통해 본 강진의 차문화

Study on KangJin's Tea Culture Through the Collection of Youn Chi-young’s Works

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KangJin(康津) is the place where Korea's Modern Tea Culture originated. Brands of tea name like NamCha(南茶) and ManbulCha(萬佛茶) were started in KangJin. Also, many kinds of tea like JungCha(丁茶) and ChouiCha(草衣茶) were named after by the person who made tea in KangJin. It seems like Dasan Jeong Yak-yong(茶山丁若鏞)‘s tea production community ’Dasin-Gea(茶信契)'s foundation and association with Buddhist Jundeng-Gea(傳燈契) were made such trends more activated. This paper will cover Youn Chi-young (尹致英)'s tea life and tea culture of KangJin based on his 〈YongdanCha-gi 龍團茶記> which contains the story of YongdanCha(龍團茶) made in MandukSan(萬德山). 〈YongdanCha-gi> is important historical records of how ‘Dasin-Ge’ was developed after Jeong Yak-yong died. 2018 is the 200th year of Dasin-Ge's foundation. 200 years ago, Jeong Yak-yong found the tea culture which was forgotten by the mainstream of tea culture. Just like he did, it is important for us to not to stay in the old legacy of tea culture but to establish a new tea culture that bridges the present and the future.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 윤치영의 생애

Ⅲ. ≪석오집≫에 나오는 차 관련 기록

Ⅳ. <용단차기>와 강진의 차문화

Ⅴ. 만덕산 다업의 유래

Ⅵ. 조선 후기 용단차에 대한 인식

Ⅶ. 나오는 말
