최근 검색어 전체 삭제

≪부풍향차보(扶風鄕茶譜)≫ 고찰(考察)

Considerations on Bupunghyangchabo

  • 77

Bupunghyangchabo is a book on teas written by Philseon Lee Unhae(1710-?) who started for his new post as governor in Buan-hyeon, Jeollanamdo in 1754. Its original text has not been handed down except what was transcribed in the Leejaenango written by Leejae Hwang Yunseok(1729-1791) Silhak scholar in the late Joseon Dynasty. Bupunghyangchabo consists of Introduction and other four items such as texts on tea, names of tea, manufacturing methods , and tea utensils. Bupunghyangchabo contains methods to make Flavored Tea, herbal tea by picking tea leaves at Seonunsa Temple, Mujang-hyeon, making lump tea, and making scents and components of herbs that have a treatment effect on seven symptoms absorbed into lump tea. Flavored Tea is a household medicine designed to be drunk for disease symptoms. Tea utensils used for drinking purpose are drawn in pictures to express their names, volumes, and shapes and explained separately in tea utensils item, which cannot be found in other books on tea in Joseon Dynasty. ‘Hyangcha’, as shown in the title, is used in the same meaning as ‘Hyangak’ indicating the medicines that had been produced in Joseon Dynasty. Bupunghyangchabo means ‘Hyangyakcha produced in Bupung.’

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. ≪부풍향차보(扶風鄕茶譜)≫의 이해

Ⅲ. 나가는 말
