The tea industry in South Korea has been received the revival of the home consumption from the concern and the impact of the well-being trend about health until the middle of 2000. However, the tea sales in the Korea have been decreased by atrophy of the consumption from the accident of detectable pesticides in green tea and from the various development of tea substitute. Also, the tea industry has been decreased by reducing tea cultivation and by becoming worse in operating income and expenditure from rising working expenses. For achieving competitiveness of developing tea industry and tea culture, it would be needed to study on investigating and analizing the strategies for vitalization where China and Japan have been smoothly incorporated in those areas. Particularly, it need to prepare for various strategies of competitiveness which could affect on Korean tea industry from closely exploring tea production and export trend of China. Also, It need to demand Japan's benchmark of tea distribution network which are various grades of the role related main group and which seek continuous improvement methods in small scale tea business. China is not only the home of tea that keeps for the biggest of cultivation area in the world but also ranking top of tea production and the second of tea export. There is improving to tea processing technology and tea consumption in every year from developing economy, increasing income level and diffusing awareness of health. Also, tea culture in Japan is widely taken out tea market which be made fair tea pricing of per capital consumption than Korea. For all that, it is getting to reduce processing plant and cultivation area in the center of small scale tea plantation by aging the producer. However, it is progressing to become a direction of big scale incorporated by reorganizing the large scale of tea plant which is personal tea plant with small scale. The development of tea culture and tea industry would not be seperated so that it has to be examined how to blend and develop those things. In particular, it really need to upgrade distribution network in order for restoring public trust of tea industry and for making sure about fair tea cost, taking part in leading agricultural cooperative and related group etc. Also, in the way of following the three nations of tea industry, we must need to deal with proper marketing strategy of tea about identifying consumer needs, reconsidering marketing systems, developing processed goods, clearing new client, making brands.
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Ⅱ. 한ㆍ중ㆍ일 차 산업의 발전과 문제점
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