최근 검색어 전체 삭제

차문화교육과 도덕 교과의 융합적 접근이 창의·인성교육에 미치는 효과

Convergence approach of tea life education and moral subject to effect on creative·character education

In educating moral personality and build commentarialism to form fluent relationship in any community, education of tea life is one of most efficient way of educating originality of its own personality. Tea life is fundamental education to build harmonious life by allowing students to learn how to build knowledge on its own and experiencing practical life. Learning moral subjects are effective and systematic fundamental education of being member of community that has healthy morality. The goal of educating moral subject is to learn how to think about ourselves than being individual as a member of community. Especially, in morality class in elementary school is part of course of study to educate personality with variety of subjects and domain, or with special experience in field practice is recommended. The teaching tea life and morality class are main originality education of personality, and it has common focus of teaching necessary personality that are needed to be part of being member of community and help to develop communitarian virtue to live harmonious life together. By trying repetitive practical study it will allow the students to build gentle basic life habit and also it will help the students to think in more wide range. Also the range of circumstances of education will increase, so that it can bring out the healthy thoughts and action of students that will lead to harmonious life. With these studies you will learn to create bond between yourself and your environment by learning how to be a member of community and how to remain in the community on your own. So this manuscript is about combination of tea life education and moral subject to form increasing effect on creative·character education.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 도덕 교과 교육

Ⅲ. 차문화교육과 창의·인성교육

Ⅳ. 나오는 말
