최근 검색어 전체 삭제

비교차문화 연구 동향 분석

Analysis of Research Trend in Comparative Study of Tea Culture

  • 19

This study analyzed “research trend and methods in comparative study of tea culture from 1988 until the first half 2017. In this paper, the researcher analyzed 128 academic papers including 70 academic journals, 43 master’s theses, and 15 doctor’s theses based on keywords. South Korea and China(44) largely accounted for research countries, followed by Japan(28). Three east asian nations(22) published in South Korea, China, and Japan), Sri Lanka(18), and western tea(1). In addition to these teas, papers on England, Russia, Japan & China, England & Turkish teas were published, respectively.Study methods I ncluded 65 bibliographical studies(23 master’s theses, 8 Ph. D’s theses, and 34 academic journals), 31 empirical studies and case analysis(14 master’s theses, 3 doctor’s thesis, and 14 academic journals), and 32 experimental studies(7 master’s theses, 4 doctor’s thesis, and 21 academic journals). The above research trend in comparative study of tea culture aimed for exploring “what accounts for?”; specifically, comparative objects. However, it is a relative understanding in this comparative study. In-depth studies that cover inherent characteristics of comparative objects remain inadequate. Further research should actively approach modern science consistent with modern consumer culture and expected to assimilate with exotic tea cultures, and further lead to interdependence. In addition, more diverse follow-up studies on comparative tea culture are expected by enlarging the scope of keywords for analysis. As this study randomly categorized study methods in comparative study of tea culture into bibliographical studies, empirical studies, case analysis, and experimental studies, there is a possibility of a different categorization according to researcher viewpoints.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 비교차문화 연구 논문과 체제

Ⅲ. 비교차문화 방법과 내용

Ⅳ. 나가는 말
