The history of tea industry in Korea is so short that tea drinking is not rooted in life culture. It is in difficult situation to compete with imported tea and to require improvement of industrial structure because it has weak structure in all aspects such as cultivation, processing, circulation and sales Especially, Despite the recent increase in imports of fermented tea from foreign countries there are no clear measures and integrated manuals. So, there are many different cases. It doesn't reach industrialization and price competitiveness is low because systematic system through mechanization has not been done properly. In the utilization of tea leaves, the first tea is used as green tea, but the utilization rate of tea after the tea is extremely low. Therefore, fermented tea is a product that has price competitiveness through labor power supply, labor cost reduction, and production cost. Especially, the attempts of diverse products, which differ from fermentation and tea manufacture, will have much significance for the development of the tea industry. Therefore, in this study, we would like to express the possibility of production by comparing the fermented tea made in Gimhae area of Korea by applying tea manufacture method belonging to the tea group as a semi-fermented tea in Fujian province, which is popular among Korean fermented tea. We will review the excellent tea manufacture technology of the world-renowned wuyiyan tea and examine the various aspects of the fermented tea made from Gimhae's Janggun tea leaves in Korea from the comparative perspective Understanding the technical know-how and historical trends of tea in other countries and revealing differences and similarities to understand the characteristics of specific tea cultures is not simply an analysis of the industry of a commodity. This will be an opportunity to refine the frame of thinking about the development of our tea industry.
Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 중국 복건지역의 靑茶
Ⅲ. 한국 김해지역의 靑茶
Ⅳ. 靑茶의 성분비교
Ⅴ. 한국형 제다법 개발의 필요성과 차산업 방향
Ⅵ. 結論