최근 검색어 전체 삭제

한국 홍차문화 발전을 위한 한·일 차 문화 비교 연구

A Comparative Study on Korea-Japan Tea Culture for the Advancement of Korean Black Tea Culture

  • 32

There has been an inclination in tendency of seeking black tea among young people in Korea. It appears that the need of mental health of modern people is in accordance with reclaiming more spare time and this is good news for vitalization of black tea as well as for acceleration in the role of tea ceremony’s moral culture in Korea. Tea culture embraces all teas including black tea and green tea. Therefore, the culture of black tea also falls under tea culture. Since Korea’s black tea has been affiliated with importation from the West, black tea as well as other influx of teas from UK act as backbones for Korea’s black tea culture. Thus, today’s Korean black tea culture is generally applying UK’s methodology on tasting tea. However, UK and other Western cultures in black tea are comparatively distinct from Korea or Japan because they place significance on the process of tasting tea and having undeveloped value system on methodology on tasting tea. This area is the perfect section for Korea’s tea ceremony to demonstrate its superior capabilities. Tea ceremony as a core matter in Korea’s tea culture, it serves as a criterion on tea’s value and meaning. For the sake of vitalization of Korea’s black tea culture, we need to seek ways to overcome cultural conflicts between Korea’s tea ceremony and UK’s culture in black tea and attempt to create harmonious environment. This is being demanded inevitably for tea and tea culture in Korea to get prepared for advancing into the world market in the future. Tea ceremony in Japan is excessively segmented in its formality and inclines to externality. This obscure the importance of inner truth in the tea ceremony. Korea’s tea ceremony pursues for internal abundancy in the state of free and voluntary environment. But since the concept is not concrete, it is too ambiguous to give explanation visibly. With an attention to this point, impartiality that Choui established must be reached. For this purpose, this study first examines black tea’s main country, UK, and its black tea culture and is followed by review on Korea and Japan’s black tea cultures in the perspective of Korea’s tea ceremony. Then the core of this research on tea ceremony in Korea and Japan is followed with a comparative analysis. With this, I have constructed evaluation on efficiency in the direction of improvement for tea ceremony and black tea culture in Korea. The strategic performances are summed up as followed. First, I have looked over uncertainty of black tea culture and tea culture in terms of relationship and concept. Second, I have portrayed values of Korea’s tea ceremony in a new way by comparing and contrasting Korea’s tea ceremony to Japan’s tea ceremony. Third, abstractedness and implicativeness in essentiality and concept of Korea’s tea ceremony explained concretely through Choui and Baekryun Huh. Fourth, I have presented urgent problems and methodology on establishment of black tea culture from Korea’s tea culture. Fifth, I have reconfirmed excellence of tea ceremony in Korea. However, tea ceremony in Korea have thrown a task to explicitly suggest its idea to the public and to make it comprehensible for them. Specifically systematizing this procedure will require driving force for consensus with a long interval of time.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 한·일 홍차

Ⅲ. 한·일 차 문화의 특성 비교

Ⅳ. 한국 홍차문화의 발전 방안

Ⅴ. 나오는 말
