One of the most effective ways to improve ingenious soul is to find the soul in our traditional culture. Erikson(1901~1980) stated that self-esteem, responsibility, relationship with others, team working, and the diligence are the virtues that we need for the ingenious soul when we take care of children. Nowadays, we are trying to find out if the virtues mentioned are in the boundary of tea education for children in old days. Therefore, it should be spoken out that the education for the tea children in old era has led to the excellency of our education for improving ingenious soul. Speaking up the superiority of Korean’s traditional culture, tea ceremony and notify that the tea education is the right one for cultivating the ingenious soul which is the most important virtue the world demands. Those are the main purposes of my script so far.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 아동기와 청소년기의 창의인성 주요 덕목
Ⅲ. 시대별 다동 교육에 내재된 창의인성 주요 덕목
Ⅳ. 나가는 말