최근 검색어 전체 삭제

茶人李奎報가 享有한 香硏究

A Study on the Influence of Incense in Life of CHA-IN(茶人), Lee Gyu Bo

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Incense has been used since the beginning of history of mankind for variety of purposes in numerous cultures. It was also considered as a measure to enrich life and reach out to god. Korea also has been leading incense culture throughout the history; incense has various purposes from simply good scent to forming spiritual culture with a social function. This study focuses on incense culture during Koryo Dynasty by Lee Gyu Bo. Lee Gyu Bo lived in mid-Koryo Dynasty era where Buddhism reached its prime time and tea culture was widespread. Lee Gyu Bo, a representative Cha-in of Koryo Dynasty, is a writer who used to be called Mr. Samhokho enjoying poetry, geomungo and wine. Utilizing tea, wine and incense as a medium of communication, Lee Gyu Bo actively kept on intimate terms with various writers, government officials, bonzes, … etc. on both spiritual and real life levels. Lee Gyu Bo variously described the spiritual world of nobles around the incense culture. There were plenty of evidence on incense culture in Koryo Dynasty and Lee Gyu Bo’s writing provides documentation of such evidences. This study reviews such documents and evidences to look into the spiritual world of Lee Gyu Bo on incense culture. Through his poetry, we can learn the incense was widely used for rituals, medicinals, spiritual function, elegance in a banquet, gift, ... etc. Incense-burning methods could be classified as direct-burning and indirect-burning. According to his poetry, the scholars in Koryo dynasty preferred non-smoking incense. This kind of non-smoking incense-burning is seriously considered also in contemporary incense-burning method. Incense in his life affected plenty of his consciousness. And incense in his daily life disclosed his free literal spirit.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 고려시대 향의 역사

Ⅲ. 시문을 통해 본 이규보가 향유한 향 문화

Ⅳ. 나오는 말
