This paper looked closely at the details on the practice of Dagong(茶供) in everyday life, tea manufacture that he had emphasized, and Dashingye of Silhak Scholar Jeong Yak-yong who enjoyed tea from his school years, called his childhood name as Dasan or Dajong(茶宗), and even emphasized tea after seventy years near death and the details were one pungryudaedo(風流大道: appreciation for the arts and great moral principle) rather than two as shown in his tea poetry, combination of tea ceremony and studying abroad, conception for space for enjoying tea and execution, and educational contents that he hoped his descendents to love and emphasize tea and succeed tea enjoying culture. Our contemporary tea enjoyers found the achievements of Dasan Jeong Yak-yong in Dagong(茶供), and the items to be emulated as modern values are as follows. First, it was informed to college graduates and Buddhist monks and peasants in contemporary and future generations that tea in Joseon, Dongcha(東茶) made with tea plants common in Yeongnam and Honam is as good as Chinese tea and it made them have a cultural pride. Second, Dayeok(茶役), indicating making tea made a starting point for reforming the aristocratic class by giving them an idea that scholar official or college graduates have to do that. Third, Dasan did an honest tea ceremony of ongochangshin(溫故創新: learn the old and create the new) by making tea culture become a family and everyday routine rather than enjoying a tea life for the sake of display. Fourth, Silhak scholar Dasan lived in Gangjin for 16 years and 10 months and had a career in tea for 60 years and this is why he is specialized in tea material and tea manufacture rather than anyone else. Contemporary tea enjoyers and tea making workers have to learn from Jeong Yak-yong’s tea manufacture. Fifth, diligent tea enjoyers can gain two fortunes(福): health and hobby. Sixth, ‘House of Dasan(茶山草堂)’ and ‘Tea House(茶屋)’ need to be restored urgently. Now is the time to put ‘Study of Dagong(茶供學)’ in Dasan’s various fields of study. It is hoped that many promising scholars who study Dasan Jeong Yak-yong who achieved enormous achievements so far can be produced.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 정약용(丁若鏞)의 다공(茶供)과 다신계(茶信契)
Ⅲ. 나가는 말