Choosa pursued perfection in art and Tea Life during the exile period of hardships and solitude. He was separated from the King and his Family, which was peoved to be another hardship when he completed his arts. This study aim to infer the followings through his tea life. Firstly, This study analyzed tea related poetry relating to rea water. Secondly, His tea life worked as a material of physical and psychological training. He traind himself through tea which was likea religious faith. Thirdly, This research investigated tea quality relating to tea-making skills. Fourthly, He described healing effects of tea on diarrhea, stomach troubles and thirsty lungs. Finally, He expressed aesthetics of humor and philosophic ripeness he acquired through tea.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 추사의 유배지 환경과 치유 매개물
Ⅲ. 추사의 유배생활 중 茶詩·茶文에 나타난 茶사상
Ⅳ. 나가는 말