최근 검색어 전체 삭제

한·일 말차 다례법 비교

A comparison on the Malcha Ceremonies in Korea and Japan

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The Culture to drink Tea in Japan that was found through comparison of Malcha Ceremonies is formal, but Korea has both aspects: expressive and practical. This is contrasting from China’s having the Culture to drink Tea that is everyday and commonplace. In Malcha Ceremonies, there were common features in 4-6 stages and differences in 25-35 stages between Korea and Japan, and some of influence relationship were found. In using tea equipments, 5-13 were identical among 30 in total, and historically, such equipments existed in Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty and this is why it was difficult to see that it was influenced by Japan. In terms of leading people who enjoyed tea ceremony, Korea had classical scholar, Buddhist monk, Gyubang(women’s living room), royal family etc, whereas Japan had Buddhist monk, aristocrat, and bakufu (warrior). If Korea aimed for enjoying tea for loving and enjoying the arts that were self-satisfied and unconstrained, Japan focused on socializing and formalities for showing off power and building relationship. In terms of place for enjoying tea, differences are found in that Korea did not set limits to the place for enjoying tea, regardless of in nature, in the pavillion, or at a woman’s living room, where Japan had a separate place for practicing the tea ceremony. Both countries who accepted tea from China naturalized it and developed into each independent culture by combining with each self-generated culture. It was also found that the tea culture that was started with the introduction of Zen buddhism from China was developed into Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism in Korea, whereas it was developed in Japan in the form of わび茶(or wabi tea) where Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism were more intensified. As a result of comparing the culture to drink tea between Korea and Japan centering on tea ceremony, the traces of the worship of the powerful that was blindly accepted were not discovered and so it was difficult to interpret it as independent stage in the journey. It was found from this study that three countries, Korea, China, and Japan had underwent their own growth process having influence on and interfering with each other.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 한·일 말차다례법의 비교

Ⅲ. 결론
