최근 검색어 전체 삭제

「하동띄움차」 고찰

「Hadong ttium tea」, tea-making method, tea-drinking method, sensory evaluation, ingredient analysis

The purpose of this study was to examine the methods of making and drinking Hadong ttium tea and to make sensory evaluation and ingredient analysis of the tea. First, as for the tea-making method, Hadong ttium tea is manufactured in the following process: leaf harvest, withing, rolling, primary ttium/fermentation, secondary ttium/ fermentation, and drying. It takes approximately 17 days to make it. Specifically, some parts of the manufacturing processes of black tea and dark green tea are used in a complex way without fixation process. Second, regarding the tea-drinking method, either brewing or boiling can be used, and it's possible to utilize the leaf base in cooking. Third, concerning sensory evaluation, this tea scored relatively higher than homemade black tea and Chinese dark green tea in color, fragrance and overall preference. It's because there are little bitter and astringent tastes in Hadong ttium tea, and it can be said that it stems from the effect of the unique making process. Fourth, as a result of analyzing the ingredients of the tea to find out caffeine content, the caffeine content of the tea was lowest when it was compared with that of the homemade black tea and that of the Chinese dark green tea. It's required to approve of each other's different tastes in this age that consumer needs have increasingly been diversified and individualized, and Hadong ttium tea is expected to serve as a catalyst for the expansion of the tea-drinking population and the popularization of tea culture.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 제다법과 음다법

Ⅲ. 관능평가와 성분분석

Ⅳ. 나가는 말
