최근 검색어 전체 삭제

일본 被覆茶 종류와 被覆方法

A Study on Types and Covering Methods of Covering Tea in Japan

  • 9

Many different kinds of green tea in terms of cultivation and tea manufacture process as well as classification of major areas of tea production are being produced in Japan. The types of green tea in Japan are varied: Gyokuro (玉露), Dencha(碾茶), Gabusecha(かぶせ茶), Baegyeopcha(白葉茶), Sencha(煎茶) Hutsusencha(普通煎茶), Hukamushisencha(深蒸煎茶)), Bancha(番茶), Houjicha(焙じ茶), Konacha(粉茶), Kukicha(莖茶; Karigane(かりがね), Mecha(芽茶), Okrokcha(ぐり茶)). This is the outcome of Japan’s efforts to spread green tea more widely and going further it is expected that most basically, Japan’s researches on and efforts for tea industry can be understood and concerned. This study aims to look at the types and covering methods of covering tea (被覆茶) being produced in Japan where the production and per-capita consumption of tea have slowly been increasing for the recent 2~3 years and the amount of harvest per unit is the highest in terms of price competitiveness

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 일본차의 제다과정과 차산지

Ⅲ. 被覆茶의 종류와 피복방법

Ⅳ. 나가는 말
