Although science and industrial development have brought human societies the affluence in material sides, contemporary society is now struggling, in spiritual sides, with various conflicts among generations, classes, genders, communities and regions and these conflicts continue to linger due to lack of communication. These problems can only be resolved through genuine communication based on emotional sympathy where people understand and accept differences and seek for mutual harmonies. Poong-Ryu presents us the way to the Harmonized co-existing society as a profound taste of arts, uniting Confucianism, Buddism and Taoism. Lee Gyu-Bo(1168-1241) is a representative person during Koryo Dynasty who appreciated the Poong-Ryu and endeavored to bring communication among dynasty, society and people. He went through Koryo’s military regime era actively communicating with various people, pursuing social harmony and facing prevailed social difficulties with his Poong-Ryu culture. ≪DonggukLeesanggukgip(東國李相國集)≫from his literature, we can understand his deep appreciation in poetry, instrument(goemungo), wine, tea and incense, and how he devoted his life to communicate with others through these tastes of arts (Poong-Ryu). His heritage is very influential even to the modern society. The purpose of this study is to understand how Lee Gyu-Bo used the arts (Poong-Ryu) to communicate with the society in order to overcome the dilemmas Koryo dynasty struggled and to apply his ideology to resolve the conflicts of our society caused by lack of communication these days. The tools of Lee Gyu-Bo’s Poong-Ryu were used in various combinations, creating synergy by harmonizing each tool’s taste among them. He used to apply tools of Tea and Incense when communicating with himself for seeking truth, tools of Poetry, Geomungo and Wine when communicating with others for taking pleasure with singing, dancing and playing instruments and All the tools when communicating with natures for appreciating, enjoying natures.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 李奎報의 風流思想과 哲學
Ⅲ. 李奎報의 風流思想의 特徵
Ⅳ. 李奎報의 風流思想을 통한 疏通
Ⅴ. 나가는 말