DaSo(茶所) is very important for a tea history(茶史). At that time, it guarantees certain growth of tea, production and payment. It is to raise the history of tea cultivation and production in the region for more than 1,000 years. Up until now, prior studies have dealt with the nature of some sort of person and the status of DaSo(茶所). There is little in depth as to whether some are located or not and DaSo(茶所) or not. The location of the So(所) is specified in Shinjeung Dongguk Yeoji Seung-ram, etc. It is true, however, It has mentioned the location of the So(所) without considering the situation. In particular, it was reported that there were 13 elements in Jangheung-dohobu as if they were misinterpreted by space-leading of Sejong-Silrok Geography The location of some So(所)s and their characteristics were clarified in detail. The location of the So(所) was corrected and the village unit was specified in detail. Of the 13 So(所)s in Jangheung-dohobu, only one HyangYeo So(香餘所) is allowed. There are eight different So(所)s, including four Pottery(Ong-ki, earthenware, porcelain and Sa-ki) So(所), two WaSo(瓦所) one gold So(所) and one Bonghwa(烽火) So(所). There are as many as eight different locations as I do. It also clarify location of its GaeulPyeong DaSo(加乙坪茶所) called unconfirmed. I tracked down the actual unit of the village beyond the administrative district of Lee(里). Due to the lack of historical facts, the pursuit of geographical names, including the name of the village, played a major role. In my estimation, only six Korean DaSo are accepted, including two of them : Pogok DaSo(蒲谷茶所) in Bosung and GaeulPyeong DaSo(加乙坪茶所), one of the HyangYeo DaSo(香餘茶所) in Jangheung, one of Wachon DaSo(瓦村茶所) in Hwasun, and Yongsan Daso(龍山茶所) and JaeYeok DaSo(梓亦茶所) in Gochang. This is the work of revealing the truth of a thousand-year-old culture. We hope that this will help us find out the true meaning of the DaSo and its location and help us establish the right culture of the tea.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 고려의 차문화와 다소(茶所)
Ⅲ. 장흥의 다소(茶所)
Ⅳ. 보성의 다소(茶所)
Ⅴ. 보성의 소(所) 등
Ⅵ. 기타 다소(茶所)들
Ⅶ. 나오는 말