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뇌원차(腦原茶) 원산지 고찰

Consideration origin country of the Noewoncha(腦原茶)

There is no record of the representative tea of Gori(高麗), so the origin of the tea is not known. There is only a story that the ‘Noewon(腦原)’ of Noewoncha(腦原茶) will be the name of the origin country, and it is only said that it is Jeollanam-do. However, there is no ‘Noewon(腦原)’ in the historical records of Jeollanam-do or the current place name. The old name of Yaksan(藥山) in Ungchi-myeon, Boseong-gun, GaeulpyungDaso(加乙坪茶所), GaeulcheonChahyang(加乙田茶鄕), and it is presumed to be the origin of the Noewoncha(腦原茶). There is still a reed field, and the reed field is recorded as Gaeulcheon(加乙田) and Gaeulpyung(加乙坪) in Chinese characters. The old note of reed is Gwal(ᄀ), and the old sounds of Yak(藥), Lo(蘆), Noi(腦) is Gwal() GaeulcheonChaHyang(加乙田茶鄕) in the oid days, which is now called Yaksan(藥山), is exactly 31 ri(里, 11.6 km) from Jangheung Dohobu. JeokchonHyang(狄村鄕) also known as ChoochonHyang(秋村鄕) in Nam 20 ri from Boseong-gun. JeokchonMyun(狄村面), Deukryang -myeon, 15 ri (5. 7km) away, GaeulpyungHyang(加乙坪鄕), Namyang, Goheung, 38 ri(14.2 km) away, and EunchonHyang(犾村鄕), the west of Goheung-hyeon, 48 ri(18.0 km) away from Boseong-gun The Yaksan(藥山) is called ‘Yakjimi Bbeondeokji’ by local residents. It is a word that has come down to a certain tradition of steaming herbal medicine. In addition, there are ‘BisariBatdeul’ fields in the Dawon(茶園) of Noewoncha(腦原茶), so it has the name of reed fields. Ungchi-myeon, which is the origin of Noewoncha(腦原茶), became the jurisdiction of Jangheung-bu in Boseong-gun in 1,149, and was re-incorporated in 1,914. It is estimated that the production of the Noewoncha(腦原茶) was from about 940 to about 1,130. Therefore, it is necessary to make it clear that the production of Noewoncha(腦原茶) at the GaeulpyungDaso(加乙坪茶所) started from Boseong and is still Boseong.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 다소(茶所)와 뇌원차

Ⅲ. 뇌원차(腦原茶) 이름

Ⅳ. 뇌원차(腦原茶) 원산지

Ⅴ. 뇌원차(腦原茶) 원산지 보성

Ⅵ. 나오는 말
