최근 검색어 전체 삭제

17~19세기 영국의 차 수출입과 생산

Import and Export of Tea and Production of England in the 17th to 19th centuries

  • 9

This paper aims to define and discuss the main concepts by intensively researching and studying the aspects of British tea culture from the 17th to the 19th century. It examines the changes in tea trade with China from the 17th to the 19th century, focusing on trade disputes and trade deficits, and discusses ways to overcome the British crisis and its methods. The tea cultivation process in the Indian colonies and Sri Lanka in the 19th century was divided into Chinese Asamika species and discussed the factors needed in the successful British tea production. The characteristics and causes of the various time and space differentiation of the British tea culture expressed as tea time in the British tea culture, which has been enriched by increased tea consumption and stabilized tea supply, were discussed. Britain suffers from changes in tea trade with China, such as trade disputes and trade deficits from the 17th to the 19th century, and causes political events such as the Opium War as a way to overcome its own crisis. In addition, this conflict will be the starting point for tea production due to British self-reliance and focus on British tea production. The production of tea in India and Sri Lanka made it possible for Britain to drink tea more widely. As various types of tea can be enjoyed at affordable prices and good quality, it leads to a tea culture that enjoys tea anytime, anywhere in the UK. Britain's tea culture, enriched by increased tea consumption and stabilized tea supply, led to a tea-time culture that consumed tea by various time zones and various spatial differentiation that realized it. The effects of tea production in India and Sri Lanka are as follows. 1) It lowered its dependence on China's automobile trade. The tea industry in India and Sri Lanka has enabled the black tea industry to become independent in the UK. 2) It has developed major production areas to meet growing demand, enabling stable car supply. 3) It has developed a British style tea ceremony. 4) Developed a mechanical tea production 5) By developing blending technology, tea products of a certain quality were made. 6) As tea-loving Britons, they made them feel proud that they produced tea with their own power.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 차의 수 출입

Ⅲ. 차의 생산

Ⅳ. 나오는 말
