최근 검색어 전체 삭제

보이차 품질평가 요소와 5인자 품평

Pu-erh tea quality evaluation factors and 5-factor evaluation: Focused on Tae Tea 7542 Pumyeong

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The definition of Pu'er tea is the promulgation of the national standard GB/T 22111-2008 Geographically Indicated Product Pu'er Tea in 2008, and the current definition of Pu'er tea is a unique quality made through a specific processing method with the raw material of the Yunnan large-leaved Suicheng Mocha in the Geographical Indication Protection Area. It is a characteristic difference. Depending on the processing method and characteristics, it is divided into raw tea and aged tea. In addition, in evaluating the quality of tea, the sensory evaluation of Korean and Chinese tea is divided into two evaluation factors, appearance and tomorrow, using a 5-factor evaluation method and an 8-factor evaluation method. And in the quality evaluation of Pu'er tea, experts traditionally judge the quality of Pu'er tea through the appearance and inner quality of the tea. As a result of evaluating the quality of Tae tea 7542 with a simple questionnaire and a 5-person evaluation, both the appearance and tomorrow were above average. There are various perceptions of the value of Pu'er tea, which emphasize taste and consumption, and at the same time tend to recognize it as a collection and investment product. Because it is determined by experience, it has errors and limitations.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경

Ⅲ. 연구방법

Ⅳ. 결과분석

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언
