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허균의 생활차 연구

A Study on Tealife of Heo Gyu

  • 20

The background and purpose of this study lie in investigating the aspects tealife of Heo Gyun who internalized his world view in his daily life. For the purpose, poems and writings on tea recorded in Heo Gyun's collections 《SeongSeoBuBuGo》,《HanJeongRok》, and《DoMunDaeJak》were analyzed. First, the factors that enabled Heo Gyun's tealife to continue were investigated. His experiences with tea from his own family, from his teacher Lee Dal's tea life, and from diplomatic trips to China were deeply embedded in his daily life and were found to have had a significant impact on the formation of a sophisticated tealife. Aspects of Heo Gyun's tealife contained in Collections included the scholar's practical tea life, the spirit of the unity of heaven and human (天人合一), and the practical role of tea. Heo Gyun, a high-level tea-enthusiast, had a unique area in daily tea that no one could touch. Although tealife in the mid-Joseon Dynasty showed a disconnected aspect superficially, it was revealed, through Heo Gyun, that tealife as an everyday culture was firmly rooted as a traditional culture.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 허균의 생애와 생활차 영향배경

Ⅲ. 허균의 생활차 양상

Ⅳ. 결론
