In order to determine the degree of quality, we investigated the sensory evaluation, bioactive compound, mineral content and antioxidant activity from Don tea (Camellia sinensis) collected different production regions. Sensory evaluation in tea extract was influenced by producing regions and is value was much higher in Muan, Jangheung and Hadong regions than those of other regions. Hunter ‘L’ value in tea extracts was enhanced by production regions, but there was no different ‘a’ and ‘b’ values. Total phenolics and catechin contents decreased with increasing sensory evaluation in the Don tea extract, while, Theaflavin(TF) and thearubigin(TR) contents decreased. There was no difference mineral content among Don tea. Antioxidant activity and Nitrite oxide scavenging activity were much better in Muan, Janghueng and Hadond regions than those of other regions, but Electron donating activity and Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition did not change among Don tea. In conclusion, tasty of Don tea was influenced by producing region and there was no closely relationship between sensory evaluation and bioactive compounds content.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 재료 및 방법
Ⅲ . 결과 및 고찰